total from the subtraction and subtract the next largest number possible and so on until
the result is zero. Each value that was used in the subtraction indicates that the
Transmitter is online.
For example: The On/Offline Status holding register contains the value 15. In this case
the largest value we can subtract is 8, which leaves a result of 7. Now we can subtract 4
from 7 and get 3. Now subtract 2 from 3 and we get 1. Finally we subtract 1 from 1 and
get 0, so we are done. Which Transmitters are online? We subtracted 8,4,2 and 1, and
these numbers correspond to Transmitters’ with RF IDs 1,2,3 and 4.
Note An alternate method to determining which Transmitter(s) are online is to look at the
Base Radio Holding Register as a binary number with the rightmost bit representing
Transmitter 1 and the leftmost bit representing Transmitter 16. For example, the binary
representation for Transmitters 1-4 online is as follows:
In another example, say the On/Offline Status holding register contains the value 6. We
can subtract 4 to get 2. Then we can subtract 2 to get 0. Thus Transmitter 2 and 3 are
online, but Transmitters 1 and 4 are offline.
6.5 Transmitter Holding Registers
The following are the Transmitter holding registers when used in the Device ID Mapping
Mode (First Table) and the Register Mapping Mode (Second Table).
6.5.1 Device ID Mapping Mode
Transmitter Holding
Device ID =
Base Radio Modbus ID + RF ID
Register Address
Description Register Type
00001 Device Type
00002 Device Type
32-Bit IEEE
Floating Point
00003 Device Status
00004 Device Status
32-Bit IEEE
Floating Point
00005 Primary Sensor Value
00006 Primary Sensor Value
32-Bit IEEE
Floating Point
00007 Secondary Sensor Value
00008 Secondary Sensor Value
32-Bit IEEE
Floating Point
00009 Tertiary Sensor Value
00010 Tertiary Sensor Value
32-Bit IEEE
Floating Point
6.5.2 Register Mapping Mode
Transmitter Holding
Device ID =
Base Radio Modbus ID
Register Address
Description Register Type
00001 + (RF ID * 10) Device Type
00002 + (RF ID * 10) Device Type
32-Bit IEEE
Floating Point
00003 + (RF ID * 10) Device Status
00004 + (RF ID * 10) Device Status
32-Bit IEEE
Floating Point