Recent Closing Report V20PSIA/V15PSIA only
Always enabled. Field does not apply to other controls.
Similar to the Exit Error condition described in field
*59, but occurs if an entry/exit door or interior zone is
faulted within two minutes after the initial exit delay
expires. Disarming the system within the two minutes
stops the alarm sound and displays "ALARM
CANCELED " or "CA" and the faulted zone number.
No message is sent to the Central Monitoring Station.
If the system is not disarmed within two minutes, the
alarm sound continues and a “recent closing” and a
“zone alarm” message are sent to the Central
Monitoring Station (after dial delay expires).
Alarm Restore Report Code
0 = no report; 1-F = see description above *59
Sent when an alarm zone is restored to non-faulted
state. See UL System Reporting Note above *59.
Trouble Restore Report Code
0 = no report; 1-F = see description above *59
Sent when a trouble in a zone is restored. See UL
System Reporting Note above *59.
Bypass Restore Report Code
0 = no report; 1-F = see description above *59
Sent when a zone that has been bypassed is
unbypassed. See UL System Reporting Note above *59.
AC Restore Report Code
0 = no report; 1-F = see description above *59
Sent when AC power has been restored after an AC
power outage. See UL System Reporting Note above *59.
Low Bat Restore Report Code
0 = no report; 1-F = see description above *59
Sent when a system low-battery condition is restored
to normal. See UL System Reporting Note above *59.
RF Xmtr Low Batt. Restore Code
0 = no report; 1-F = see description above *59
Sent when a transmitter’s low battery condition is
restored (i.e., new battery installed).
UL: must be enabled if wireless devices are used. See
UL System Reporting Note above *59.
Test Restore Report Code
0 = no report; 1-F = see description above *59
This is sent when the Test mode is exited. See UL
System Reporting Note above *59.
Miscellaneous System Fields
Daylight Saving Time Start/End Month
0 = Disabled; 1 = Jan; 2 = Feb; 3 = Mar; 4 = April;
# + 10 = Oct; # + 11 = Nov; # + 12 = Dec
Enter the start and end month for daylight savings
time, if applicable to the region.
Daylight Saving Time Start/End Weekend
0 = disabled; 1 = first; 2 = second; 3 = third; 4 = fourth;
5 = last; 6 = next to last; 7 = third to last
Enter the start and end weekend for daylight savings
time, if applicable to the region.
Output Device Mapping Menu Mode
Use this menu mode to enter output devices/powerline
carrier devices into the system. See Output Device
Programming section for procedures.
Output Programming Menu Mode
Use this menu mode to define output functions for use
with output devices/powerline carrier devices. See
Output Programming section for procedures.
Zone List Programming Menu Mode
Use the menu mode to define zone lists. See Zone List
Programming section.
Alpha Descriptor Programming Menu Mode
Use this menu mode to assign alpha descriptors to
zones and/or create partition descriptors (VISTA-20P).
Auto-Stay Arm
0 = no; 1 = partition 1 only; 2 = part. 2 only; 3 = both parts.
If enabled, the system will automatically change
AWAY mode to STAY mode if the entry/exit door is
not opened and closed within the exit delay time after
a user arms in AWAY mode from a wired keypad (non-
RF device). An Opening report followed by an Armed
Stay report is sent to the Central Station.
If the door is opened and closed within the exit delay
period, the system remains in AWAY mode.
Any RF device that arms the system AWAY overrides
this feature and the system remains armed AWAY.
Cross Zone Timer
0 = 15 secs 4 = 90 secs 8 = 4 min #+12 = 8 min
1 = 30 secs 5 = 2 min 9 = 5 min #+13 = 10 min
2 = 45 secs 6 = 2-1/2 min #+10 = 6 min #+14 = 12 min
3 = 60 secs 7 = 3 min #+11 = 7 min #+15 = 15 min
Sets the maximum amount of time in which two cross
zones must be tripped in an armed system to send an
alarm message to the Central Station. If only one cross
zone is tripped during this time, a trouble message (CID
code 380) for that zone is sent to the Central Station.
Assign cross zone pairs in zone list 4.
This option not for use in UL installations.
Cancel Verify Keypad Display
0 = no “alarm canceled” display
1 = display “Alarm Canceled” when system is disarmed
after an alarm has occurred. (To clear the “ALARM
CANCELED” display, the user must enter the security
code + OFF again.)
This feature causes a “ALARM CANCELED” display on
the LCD keypad under the following conditions:
• After the kissoff of the cancel message to the Central
Station, indicating a successful transmission.
• When an alarm is successfully canceled before the
Central Station received the Alarm message. E.g., if
an alarm is incorrectly triggered and the user
presses code + OFF before the dial delay time has
expired, the message will never go out to the CS.
When the Cancel report is not enabled and the
system is disarmed:
a. before dialer delay expires (alarm report not
sent) message “Alarm Canceled” is displayed.
b. after dialer delay expires message “Alarm
Canceled” is not displayed
Data Field Programming