Programming Installer and User Schedules
The system provides schedules, which can be used to automatically control 11 types of system events at pre-
defined times. Some events are reserved for the installer only.
VISTA-20P: Provides up to 32 schedules: 16 schedules for use by the end-user, 16 for use by the installer.
VISTA-15P: Provides up to 8 schedules: 4 schedules for use by the end user, 4 for use by the installer.
Start Scheduling mode by entering installer code + [#] + [6] [4] while in normal operating mode.
NOTE: The master code can only access schedules 01-16 (VISTA-15P = 01-04) and events 00-07.
00=QUIT 00
Schedule Number
01-16 = end-user schedules 01-04 = end-user schedules
17-32 = installer-only schedules 05-08- = installer-only schedules
] to continue
Enter the desired schedule number.
NOTE: Events 07 and
10 cause the keypad to
beep every 30 seconds
when messages are
displayed. Stop the
beeps by pressing any
Enter Event
00 = clear event 05 = Forced Away Arming
01 = Relay On/Off 06 = Auto Disarm
02 = User Access 07 = Display “Reminder”
03 = Latch Key Report to Pager 10 = Display custom words
04 = Forced Stay Arming
11 = Periodic Test Report
Press [
] to continue
Enter the desired event number for event you want to occur at a specified time.
Events 10-11 are reserved for the installer only.
Latch key report (option 03) is sent to all pagers in the user’s partition and is active only
when the system is armed (message sent is 777-7777). User must be enabled for paging
(see User Attributes in System Operation section).
† Forced bypass is automatically enabled regardless of setting in field *23.
†† If selected, system displays custom words 8, 9, and 10 at defined time. Can be used as
installer’s reminder message to the end user.
††† See key commands in Testing the System section to quickly set periodic test
reporting intervals.
Device Number (For event 01-relay on/off)
01-18 = device number; press [
] to continue
Enter the physical device number as programmed in ∗79 Menu Mode, then press [*] to
continue to the “Start” prompt.
Device numbers 17 and 18 designate built-in triggers 1 and 2 respectively.
Group Number (For event 02-user access)
1-8 = group number; press [
] to continue to the “Start” prompt
Partition (For events 03-07, 10)
0 = all partitions; 1 = partition 1; 2 = partition 2; 3 = common
Press [*] to continue to the “Start” prompt.
HH MMAM 0010000
Start Time
01-12 = hour; 00-59 = minute; 0 = AM; 1 = PM; Days = place “1” under days
Press [
] to continue.
Enter the event’s start time and days of the week to occur.
To select days, position the cursor under the desired days using the [∗] key to move
forward, then press “1” to select the day.
Menu Mode Programming