Type 12
Monitor Zone
• Works as a dynamic monitor of a zone fault/trouble (not alarm). In the case of a
short/open, the message, "*ALARM*-24 Hr. Non-Burg. -#XXX " (where XXX is the
zone number) will be sent to the Central Station. The system keypad will display
a “check” message indicating the appropriate zone (but keypad beeping does not
occur). Upon restoral of the zone, the message, "*RESTORE*-24 Hr. Non-Burg. -
#XXX " will be sent to the Central Station.
• The “check” message will automatically disappear from the keypad dynamically,
when the zone restores; a user code + off sequence is not needed to reset the zone.
• Faults of this zone type are independent of the system, and can exist at the time
of arming without interference.
• Since this is a “trouble” zone type, do not use this zone type with relays set to
activate upon “alarm.”
Type 14
24 Hour Carbon
Monoxide Monitor
• Assigned to any zone with a carbon monoxide detector.
• The bell output will pulse when this zone type is alarmed.
• Always active and cannot be bypassed.
Type 16
Fire w/Verification
• Provides a fire alarm when zone is shorted, but only after alarm verified.
• System verifies alarm by resetting zones for 12 seconds after short is detected. A
subsequent short circuit within 90 seconds triggers fire alarm.
• Provides a trouble response when zone is open.
Type 20
Arm-Stay (BR only)
• Arms the system in Stay mode when the zone is activated.
• Pushbutton units send the user number to the central station when arming or
• User number for button must be assigned.
Type 21
Arm-Away (BR only)
• Arms the system in Away mode when the zone is activated.
• Pushbutton units send the user number to the central station when arming or
• User number for button must be assigned.
Type 22
Disarm (BR only)
• Disarms the system when the zone is activated.
• User number for button must be assigned.
Type 23 *
No Alarm Response
• Can be used on a zone when an output relay action is desired, but with no
accompanying alarm (e.g., lobby door access).
Type 24
Silent Burglary
• Usually assigned to all sensors or contacts on exterior doors and windows where
bells and/or sirens are NOT desired.
• Provides an instant alarm, with NO audible indication at any keypad or external
sounder, if the zone is faulted when the system is armed in the Away, Stay,
Instant, or Maximum modes.
• A report is sent to the central station.
Type 77
• Assign to zone wired to a keyswitch.
• Do not use devices assigned as input type “BR” with this zone type.
Type 81
AAV Monitor Zone
• Assign to zone connected to AAV module.
• Monitors 2-way voice sessions as follows:
- When the zone is faulted, all alarm sounding and dialer reporting stops, except
for fire alarms, which immediately terminate the voice session and cause
a fire report to be sent.
- When the zone is restored (session ended), sounding resumes (if bell timeout
has not expired) and reports that were stopped are sent.
Types 90
Allows for a custom zone response. Options include response to entry/exit delays,
response opens/shorts, types of alarm/trouble sounding, dial delay, and unique
Contact ID report code.
UL installations: Zone Type 90 may not be used as fire or burglar alarm zones on
fire or UL burglar alarm installations.
* The system can still be armed when these zone types are in a faulted condition.
NOTE: All of the zone types described are available for the wireless portion of the system, if used.
Installation Instructions