Code Download
Release F UMC800 Controller Installation and User Guide 57
Download via CONFIGURATION port
A downloading tool in the control builder software can be used to download configuration files to the
controller. The downloading tool first verifies that a valid configuration file exists for the controller.
a dialog box asks if you want to set the controller to Program mode in preparation for downloading.
If the
configuration file is verified to be valid, then the existing controller configuration in the controller’s
memory is deleted before the new configuration is downloaded.
A download dialog box appears on the PC after a successful file download to the controller.
completion of the download, a command is sent to set the controller to Run mode.
Download via floppy disk
The optional floppy disk drive allows the user to download configuration files stored on a floppy disk to the
controller using the operator interface.
The DISK UTILITIES display provides menu selections to load and
store controller configuration files.
The controller must be in the Program mode in order to load
configuration files in the controller.
Successful download status and failures are indicated at the operator
interface display.
Downloading restrictions are noted in Table 16.
File uploads
Controller configuration files, setpoint profiles and recipe files can be uploaded for storage and archiving to
a floppy disk as well as to the PC.
Using the PC, the Upload function is accessed from the Communications
pull-down menu of the control builder.
At the operator interface, the DISK UTILITIES display contains
menu selections for storing the files to disk.
Code Download
Controller firmware upgrade
In order to implement new features for controller operation or correct any software bugs, an upgrade of the
controller firmware may be required. The User Utility software program contains the code download utility
that allows a newer version of the controller firmware to be loaded into the CPU.
Before performing a code download:
• Perform a backup of all controller configuration files.
• Be certain that the controller does not show a low battery (LoBatt) diagnostic.
After the download is successful reload the controller’s configuration files, recipes, profiles and
Controller code download in the user utility
A PC running the user utility is connected to the controller’s Configuration port. The code download utility
is accessed from the Maintenance pull down menu.
Refer to the UMC800 User Utility User’s Guide and
on-line help for more details on performing the download.