4/00 UDC 3300 Controller Product Manual 197
Using TUNE at start-up
for duplex (heat/cool)
After TUNE or TUN+PV has been enabled, use the procedure in Table
5-36 to use TUNE at start-up for duplex (heat/cool) control.
Table 5-36 Procedure for Using TUNE at Start-up for Duplex
Step Action
1 Heat Zone:
• Adjust Local Setpoint 1 to a value within the Heat zone.
• Put the controller in Automatic mode.
and ▲ keys simultaneously to initiate
Heat tuning.
The output will cycle between 50 % and 100 % (or high output limit). A large
T appears in the upper display until tuning is completed and final Heat
parameters are entered for PID set 1 in the Tuning group.
2 Cool Zone:
• Adjust Local Setpoint 2 to a value within the Cool zone.
• Put the controller in Automatic mode.
and ▲ keys simultaneously to initiate
Cool tuning.
The output will cycle between 0 % and 50 % (or low output limit). A large T
appears in the upper display until tuning is completed and final Cool
parameters are entered for PID set 2 in the Tuning group.
How SP tuning works
SP tuning will continually adjust the Gain or Proportional Band (P), Reset
(I), and Rate (D) tuning constants in response to setpoint changes.
SP tuning is not available on Basic Model DC330B.
SP tuning handles all Local and Computer setpoint changes. It uses time
domain analysis, and the rule based expert system techniques to identify
the two most dominant process lags plus any dead time. It then
automatically readjusts the PID parameters as necessary. It does this while
controlling to setpoint in automatic (closed loop) control mode.
These calculated PID values can be changed, if desired, whenever the
tuning is not active. Tuning can be aborted by pushing the
key to return to the manual mode.
Two criteria are available—Normal and Fast—through configuration.
Setpoint changes
During start-up, or whenever the setpoint changes beyond the “SP
Change” value, SP tuning employs time domain analysis to tune the
process at any desired setpoint without any prior initialization or process