69-1712—1 8
Installer Setup Numbers and Settings
Installer Setup Notes:
a—Installer Setup Number 2 does not appear if Installer Setup Number 1 is set to 0, 2, 3 or 4.
b—Installer Setup Number 3 does not appear if Installer Setup Number 1 is set to 1, 2 or 4.
c—Installer Setup Number 5 does not appear if Installer Setup Number 1 is set to 1 or 4.
d—Installer Setup Number 9 does not appear if Installer Setup Number 1 is set to 2 or 3.
e—Installer Setup Number 12 does not appear if Installer Setup Number 1 is set to 2, 3 or 4.
f— Installer Setup Number 15 does not appear if Installer Setup Number 1 is set to 2 or 3.
Table 3. Installer setup numbers and settings.
Installer Setup
Number Installer Setup Name Settings
1 System Type 0—gas, oil or electric heat with air conditioning (Factory Setting)
1—Heat pump
2—Heat only (two-wire systems or power to open and power to
close zone valves or normally-open zone valves)
3—Heat only with fan
4—Cool only
May not appear.
See Note a
Changeover Valve-O/B
Terminal Energized in
Heating or Cooling
(Heat Pumps only)
0—Changeover valve—O/B terminal energized in cooling
(Factory Setting)
1—Changeover valve—O/B terminal energized in heating
May not appear.
See Note b
Fan Control in Heating 0— Gas or oil furnace— equipment controls fan in heating
(Factory Setting)
1— Electric furnace— thermostat controls fan in heating
May not appear.
See Note c
Heating Cycle Rate in
cycles per hour (cph)
5—5 cph used for gas or oil furnaces (less than 90% efficient)
(Factory Setting)
1—1 cph used for steam and gravity
3 —3 cph used for hot water and high efficiency furnaces (90%+)
9—9 cph used for electric furnaces
2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12—Other cycle rate settings
May not appear.
See Note d
Compressor Cycle Rate
in cycles per hour (cph)
3—3 cph recommended for compressors (Factory Setting)
1, 2, 4, 5, 6—Other cycle rate settings
May not appear.
See Note e
System Setting
0—Manual changeover (Factory Setting) (Heat, Off, Cool)
1—Auto changeover (Heat, Off, Cool, Auto)
2—Auto changeover only (Auto)
14 Temperature Display 0—Fahrenheit temperature display (Factory Setting)
1—Celsius temperature display
May not appear.
See Note f
Minimum-Off Timer in
5—Five-minute compressor off-time setting (Factory Setting)
0, 1, 2, 3, 4—Other compressor off-time settings
Press the Next button to go to the beginning of the Installer Setup or press the Done button to exit the
Installer Setup and save your settings.