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Configuration Objects
The following objects and group objects should be typically used for configuration purposes:
General Options 1 Group GRP 45 and its complete list of objects;
General Options 2 Group GRP 55 and its complete list of objects;
Humidity Models Configuration Options Group GRP 69 and its complete list of objects;
Output Configuration Options Group GRP 74 and its complete list of objects.
If your BAS allows you to remove objects, Honeywell recommends removing all configuration objects once your setup is
complete. This will prevent unnecessary network polling and traffic.
Default Device Name and default Device ID
Default Device Name is set to: Model number – MAC:
Where MAC is the current MAC address of the device.
Where Model number is Honeywell part number.
The device name will be upgraded as soon as there is a change to the device MAC address.
The Device Name and Device ID properties are writable in Honeywell device object. Both properties can be renamed from any
BACnet network management tool as long as the tool itself can write to these properties.
TB7200 Models
Default Device ID is set to: 72000 + MAC
Where MAC is the current MAC address of the device.
The device ID will also be upgraded as soon as there is a change to the device’s MAC.
For example, when a TB7200F5014B thermostat with a MAC address of 41 is connected to a network, its default Device Name
will be TB7200F5x14B-41 and its default Device ID will be 72041.
TB7300 Models
Default Device ID is set to: 73000 + MAC
Where MAC is the current MAC address of the device.
The device ID will also be upgraded as soon as there is a change to the device’s MAC.
For example, when a TB7300C5014B thermostat with a MAC address of 63 is connected to a network, its default Device Name
will be TB7300C5x14B-63 and its default Device ID will be 73063.
Integrating Honeywell Devices on an MS/TP Network
Before doing any BACnet integration, make sure to have Honeywell PICS (Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement).
This PICS document lists all the BACnet Services and Object types supported by a device and can be found at
Honeywell devices do not support the COV service. COV reporting allows an object to send out notices when its Present-Value
property is incremented by a pre-defined value. Since this is not supported at Honeywell’s end, special attention should be given
to the polling time settings at the Supervisory Controller and Workstation level when using a graphic interface or an application
program to read or write to a Honeywell object.