37 63-2605—5
Dehumidification Reset Temp
2° F X Amount of reset used with “Dehumidify Reset”. Range: 1 to 5° F.
Must be smaller than occupied zero energy band (ZEB) or standby ZEB.
Dehumidification Reheat None X X None: No Reheat dehumidification; Enable: Dehumidification using Reheat.
Dehumidification High Limit 65% X
Dehumidification High Limit. Range: 10 to 90%.
Clock Year 1999 X Range: 2000 to 2035.
Clock Month 12 X 1: January… 12: December.
Clock Day Wed X Day of the Week: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat
Clock Minutes
11:15 p.m.
X X 12:00 a.m.: Midnight (first minute of the day); 12:00 p.m.: Noon.
Holiday Month 0 X Unprogrammed; January…December.
Holiday Day 0 X Unprogrammed; 1; 2…31; LASTDAYOFMONTH…LAST_SAT
Holiday Duration 0 days X Duration of given Holiday (in days). Range: 0 to 99 days.
Delays On X X On: Delays (on relays, sequential start, etc.) are active.
Off: Delays disabled (also called Test Mode).
System Switch Auto X X System settings: Auto; Cool; Off; Heat; Emergency Heat (valid if Heat Pump)
Fan Switch On X X Fan setting: On; Auto
Occupied Heat Setpt Stop 55° F X Occupied Minimum Heat Setpoint: Lowest the programmed occupied heating setpoint
can be adjusted. Range: 40 to 90° F; Value ≤ OccHt ≤ OccCl - 2° F.
Occupied Cool Setpt Stop 85° F X Occupied Maximum Cool Setpoint: Highest the programmed occupied cooling setpoint
can be adjusted. Range: 45 to 99° F. Value ≥ OccCl ≥ OccHt + 2° F.
Not Occupied Heat Setpoint 55° F X X Not Occupied heating setpoint. Range: 40 to 90° F.
UnoccHt ≤ OccHt ≤ OccCl - 2° F; UnoccHt ≤ StdByHt ≤ StdByCl - 2° F
Standby Heat Setpoint 67° F X
Standby heating setpoint. Range: 40 to 90° F.
Occupied Heat Setpoint 70° F X X Occupied heating setpoint. Range: 40 to 90° F.
Occupied Cool Setpoint 75° F X X Occupied cooling setpoint. Range: 45 to 99° F.
Standby Cool Setpoint 78° F X
Standby cooling setpoint. Range: 45 to 99° F.
Not Occupied Cool Setpoint 85° F X X Not Occupied cooling setpoint. Range: 45 to 99° F.
UnoccCl ≥ OccCl ≥ OccHt + 2° F; UnoccCl ≥ StdByCl ≥ StdByHt + 2° F.
Event 1 State Occupied X X Day Schedule is a structure of 8 days of 4 events each day. Defaults listed are for
Monday through Friday. Saturday/Sunday/Holiday default to Unprogrammed (None /
12:00 a.m.). All Events can be set for: Standby or None.
Only Events 1 and 3 can be set for Occupied.
Only Events 2 and 4 can be set for Not Occupied.
Note: The Config ID cannot set an event to Standby, but it can change the time.
Event 2 State Not Occupied X X
Event 3 State None X X
Event 4 State None X X
Event 1 Time 8:00 a.m. X X Scheduled time for event change.
12:00 p.m.: Noon
12:00 a.m.: Midnight
Event 2 Time 10:00 p.m. X X
Event 3 Time 12:00 a.m
Event 4 Time X X
Table 20. Thermostat Setup Options Through PDA. (Continued)
Configuration Option Factory Default
Tool CnfgID Description
The Factory defaults listed here apply to all subbase models with the exceptions of the items listed in Table 21.
12:00 Noon is the default start point when time is unknown.
Only Available if user selected one or more of following: Dehumidification Reset, Dehumidification Minimum On, or Dehumidification Reheat.
Config ID cannot handle Standby setpoints. Keypad users cannot set Occupied setpoints that violate Not Occupied setpoint relationship. The T7350 algo-
rithm never allows the effective setpoint outside Not Occupied setpoints.