Operation SDC / DHC
52 EN2H-0220GE51 R0308 Time program
This parameter specifies enabling of the switching time programs
for program selection and for individualised switching time
programming. In the state of delivery, only one switching time
program is enabled. This achieves simplification of operation with
a large portion of applications for which only one switching time
program is used.
P1 Program 1 = enabled, programs 2 and 3 = disabled
to P3
All three programs enabled
In contrast to the previous description, the following setting
options are available when programs P1 to P3 are enabled:
• Operating mode selection: In the AUTOMATIC and SUMMER
operating modes, switching time program P1, P2 or P3 can be
• Switching time programming: With switching time pro-
gramming, the three switching time programs, P1 to P3, can
be selected for each heating circuit.
Pos: 46 /156 -Honeyw ell/Bedi enung/Be dienm odus @ 1\m od_12076 4657029 1_6.doc @ 9840 Operating mode
Two operating modes can be selected. They determine whether
the operating mode, the daytime temperature and the night-time
temperature apply for all heating circuits or can be specified
individually for each heating circuit.
1, 2
1 The selected setting applies for all heating circuits together.
2 Each heating circuit can be assigned an individualised set-
Pos: 47 /156 -Honeyw ell/Bedi enung/ Individu elle_Tage s-Rau mtemp eratur @ 1\m od_120 76466018 85_6.do c @ 9855
Set values
Factory setting
Setting range
Set values
Factory setting