53 65-0303—05
Fig. 118. COM1 tab.
S7999B Only
COM2 is a Modbus gateway for Building Automation System (BAS)
Press the COM2 tab (see Fig. 119) to define settings:
• Enable Modbus Gateway: This box must be selected to enable
the COM2 BAS interface.
• Modbus Gateway Speed: Select the baud rate (38400, 19, 200,
or 9600 bps)
• Modbus Gateway Timeout: Defines how long the BAS will wait
after sending a Modbus message before timing out and sending
the next modbus message (currently non-functional; leave at 1.0)
Fig. 119. COM 2 tab.
Display Reset
The user can reset the display and force a power-up by pressing the
Display Reset button. A pop-up dialog box confirming the reset
request displays (Fig. 120) before the reset proceeds.
Fig. 120. Processor Reset.
When the Display is reset, the display will reboot and automatically
seek out the Modbus™ device connected to it. When the search is
complete, the display will return to the home page.
A complete list of configurable parameters is shown in Table 61.
Table 60. Status Tables.
Name Table # Page #
CH 45 38
DHW 46 39
Burner Control 47 40
Demand and Modulation 48 41
Inlet High Limit 49 41
Fan 50 42
Pump 51 42
Flame Detection 52 42
Statistics 53 43
Stack Limit 54 43
Lead Lag Slave 55 43
Lead Lag Master 56 44
Table 61. Configurable Parameters.
Parameter Comment
Boiler Name Name to identify boiler (up to 20
Installation Notes regarding installation (up
to 20 characters)
Change installer password
Change OEM password setting
Factory Data OEM name to associate with
boiler (up to 20 characters)