EXCEL 50/100/500/600/800 ALARM HANDLING
EN2B-0092GE51 R0512
alarm text
code #
75 Auto operation 80 Point is in automatic mode.
76 Manual operation 8 Point is in manual override mode.
77 Too many trend pnt 73 Too many points in trend.
78 No C-BUS refresh 110 No memory to execute refresh / trend functionality.
79 Template too long 85 Template for wildcard search too long.
80 206
Used only for MCR200 controllers. MCR200 rejects the setting of summer time if it is done
with corresponding function of XBS or XL-Online.
81 207
Used only for MCR200 controllers. A weekday is allocated to the daily programs of
another weekday by copying the corresponding data. While copying, the name of the daily
programs (weekday) remains whereas it would be exchanged by allocation.
82 83
Only used for MCR200 controllers. Texts from XIP100 or MCR200 Fax were not able to be
loaded into the MCR200.
83 B-Port Download 100
Download was done via B-Port. In addition to this alarm, one of the following alarms is
displayed: 88 to 98.
84 C-Bus Download 101
Download was done via C-Bus. In addition to this alarm, one of the following alarms is
displayed: 88 to 98.
85 B-Port change 102
Online changes were done via B Port. In addition to this alarm, one of the following alarms
is displayed: 88 to 93.
86 C-Bus change 103
Online changes were done via C-Bus. In addition to this alarm, one of the following alarms
is displayed: 88 to 93.
87 Device logged 84 Operator has logged himself in with MMI via C-Bus (Remote Login). Not sent on C-bus.
88 DDC Parameter - This alarm is shown in addition to one of the following alarms: 83 to 86.
89 DDC Z-Register - This alarm is shown in addition to one of the following alarms: 83 to 85.
90 DDC T-Register - This alarm is shown in addition to one of the following alarms: 83 to 84.
91 Datapoints - This alarm is shown in addition to one of the following alarms: 83 to 86.
92 Time Program - This alarm is shown in addition to one of the following alarms: 83 to 86 and 101.
93 ASPECD Program - This alarm is shown in addition to one of the following alarms: 83 to 85.
94 Alarm Texts - This alarm is shown in addition to one of the following alarms: 83 and 84.
95 Characteristics - This alarm is shown in addition to one of the following alarms: 83 and 84.
96 Descriptors - This alarm is shown in addition to one of the following alarms: 83 and 84.
97 Engineering Units - This alarm is shown in addition to one of the following alarms: 83 and 84.
98 State Texts - This alarm is shown in addition to one of the following alarms: 83 and 84.
99 Field I/O - This alarm is shown in addition to one of the following alarms: 101.
100 Glob.Pnt.Transfer - This alarm is shown in addition to one of the following alarms: 101.
101 Applic. stopped
Application task was stopped. This alarm, together with one of the following alarms, is
shown: 92, 99, 100, 102.
102 DDC Program - This alarm is shown in addition to one of the following alarms: 83 to 86 and 101.
103 I/O board present 108
A module which is part of the required configuration but was missing in the hardware
configuration has been added to the hardware configuration again.
104 Time dev. > 2 min 98 A time deviation greater than 2 minutes has been detected on a device on the C-Bus.
105 Manual time sync. 99 Somebody has changed the system time of the C-Bus devices via a local MMI.
106 Dig.Out.Conflict 109 Application error: An XL50 DO is using a triac already in use by a 3-position output.
107 Overr. switch auto 111 Manual override switches on Distributed I/O output modules are reset to automatic mode.
108 Overr. switch manu 112
Manual override switches on Distributed I/O output modules are set into override mode
(values coming from the XL controller will be overwritten by the switches).