
13 69-0643—1
Setting Subbase Switches (if applicable)
The subbase system switch controls system
operation as follows:
HEAT—Heating system is controlled by the
thermostat. Cooling system is off.
COOL—Cooling system is controlled by the
thermostat. Heating system is off.
OFF—Both the heating and cooling systems are
off. If the fan switch is at the AUTO position,
the fan is also off.
ON—In cooling-only applications, only cooling
will operate. In heating-only applications, only
heating will operate.
The subbase fan switch controls fan opera-
tion as follows:
ON—Fan operates continuously.
AUTO—Fan operates with cooling equipment as
controlled by the thermostat or with the
heating equipment as controlled by the
plenum fan switch. In electric heat, heat
pump and fan coil systems, the fan is
controlled by the thermostat in heating and
To switch positions, use thumb or index
finger to slide the lever to the desired position.
For proper circuit operation, switch lever must
stop in detent over desired function indicator