10 - 10
Preferred Symbology On PRFENA1 3-12
*Off PRFENA0 3-12
High Priority Symbology PRFCOD## 3-12
Low Priority Symbology PRFBLK## 3-12
Preferred Symbology Timeout
(*500) Range 100-3000
PRFPTO#### 3-13
Preferred Symbology Default PRFDFT 3-13
Output Sequence Editor Enter Sequence SEQBLK 3-15
Default Sequence SEQDFT 3-15
Partial Sequence Transmit Partial Sequence SEQTTS1 3-15
*Discard Partial Sequence SEQTTS0 3-15
Require Output Sequence Required SEQ_EN2 3-15
On/Not Required SEQ_EN1 3-15
*Off SEQ_EN0 3-16
Multiple Symbols On SHOTGN1 3-16
*Off SHOTGN0 3-16
No Read On SHWNRD1 3-16
*Off SHWNRD0 3-16
Video Reverse Video Reverse Only VIDREV1 3-16
Video Reverse and Standard Bar
VIDREV2 3-17
*Video Reverse Off VIDREV0 3-17
Working Orientation *Upright ROTATN0 3-17
Vertical, Bottom to Top (Rotate
CCW 90°)
ROTATN1 3-17
Upside Down ROTATN2 3-17
Vertical, Top to Bottom (Rotate CW
ROTATN3 3-17
Prefix/Suffix Selections
Add CR Suffix to All Symbologies VSUFCR 4-2
Prefix Add Prefix PREBK2## 4-2
Clear One Prefix PRECL2 4-2
Clear All Prefixes PRECA2 4-2
Suffix Add Suffix SUFBK2## 4-3
Clear One Suffix SUFCL2 4-3
Clear All Suffixes SUFCA2 4-3
Function Code Transmit *Enable RMVFNC0 4-3
Disable RMVFNC1 4-3
Intercharacter Delay Range 0 - 1000 (5ms increments) DLYCHR## 4-3
User Specified
Intercharacter Delay
Delay Length
0 - 1000 (5ms increments)
DLYCRX## 4-4
Character to Trigger Delay DLY_XX## 4-4
Interfunction Delay Range 0 - 1000 (5ms increments) DLYFNC## 4-4
Intermessage Delay Range 0 - 1000 (5ms increments) DLYMSG## 4-5
* Indicates default
Serial Command
# Indicates a numeric entry