6 - 19
When Check Character is set to Validate and Transmit, the engine only
reads Matrix 2 of 5 bar codes printed with a check character, and will trans-
mit this character at the end of the scanned data.
Default = No Check
Matrix 2 of 5 Redundancy
If you are encountering errors when reading Matrix 2 of 5 bar codes, you
may want to adjust the redundancy count. Redundancy adjusts the num-
ber of times a bar code is decoded before transmission, which may reduce
the number of errors. Note that the higher the redundancy count, the lon-
ger it will take to decode the bar code. To adjust the redundancy, scan the
Matrix 2 of 5 Redundancy bar code below, then scan a redundancy count
between 0 and 10 on the Programming Chart inside the back cover of this
manual. Then scan the Save bar code.
Default = 0.
Matrix 2 of 5 Message Length
Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to
Message Length Description (page 6-2) for additional information. Mini-
mum and Maximum lengths = 1-80. Minimum Default = 3, Maximum
Default = 80.
* No Check Character
Validate and Transmit
Validate, but Don’t Transmit
Maximum Message Length
Minimum Message Length