MK XXII EGPWS Installation Manual
CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-225 REV: C
3.3.9 Category 9 – Navigation Inputs Select
Category 9 selects the Glideslope and Localizer Deviation interfaces and Glideslope Validity and
ILS Tuned discretes.
Appendix E Table E 3.1.9
defines the Category 9 Navigation Inputs Select options (called
Navigation Inputs Select Types) and identifies the first MK XXII EGPWS version in which the
option was available (see the Effectivity entry). Instructions
1. Using
Appendix E Tables E 3, E 3.1.9 and E 3.1.9-x
as described above, select the
Navigation Input Select Type that matches the aircraft configuration, feature preferences, and
version (part number) being installed.
2. Record the ID number for the Navigation Inputs Select Type from
Appendix E Table E 3
under the Ident No. heading for Step (Category) 9
This number will be used during
programming of the configuration module.
3. Using the Navigation Inputs Select number from
Appendix E Table E 3.1.9
as “x”, go to
Appendix E Table E 3.1.9-x. .
The electrical interfaces (pin-outs) for the Navigation Inputs
Select Type are shown in
Appendix E Table E 3.1.9-x
and are used to determine the wiring
interconnects and record it on Appendix A Fig A1-1.
Navigation Inputs Select (Glideslope & Localizer Inputs)
Glideslope Deviation is basic (required) and is available in analog and digital formats. Localizer
Deviation is an enhancement (not required) and is available in digital format only.
Glideslope Validity
Glideslope Validity (+28V Super Flag) is required for Navigation Inputs Select 0 at pin J1-11.
Glideslope Validity (Low Level) is required for Navigation Inputs Select 1 at pins J1-30 (+) and J1-10 (-).
Digital 429 Glideslope interfaces (Navigation Inputs 2 & 3) do not require Glideslope Validity input.
ILS Tuned Discrete Input #1 (+28V) and #2 (GND)
The ILS Tuned Discrete indicates that an Instrument Landing System frequency has been
selected on the Captain’s (or selected) ILS. The ILS Tuned Discretes #1 (+28V) and #2 (GND)
are optional to each other. These discretes are used with the analog Glideslope inputs. When an
ILS is tuned, the MK XXII EGPWS checks the Glideslope Validity discretes and monitors the
Glideslope inputs.