MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide
Proprietary notice on title page applies
CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-150 REV:
23-19 Unused (always 0)
24 Program Pin A Status
25 Program Pin B Status
26 Program Pin C Status
27 Program Pin D Status
28 Program Pin E Status
29 Unused (always 0)
6.2.37 True Heading (314)
LABEL (Octal) 314 Units: Degrees/180 Max. Range: +/- 180 Degrees Approx. LSB: 0.00549 Degrees
Data Bits: 14 to 28 = 15 + = Clockwise from North Sign Bit: 29 Pad Bits: 11 to 13
Transmit Interval (mSec): 25 to 50 Data Type: 2’s Complement Binary SDI Bits: 9, 10
6.2.38 Corrected Barometric Altitude (204)
Source: ARINC 706 DADC or IOC
LABEL (Octal) 204 Units: Feet Max. Range: 131,072 Feet Approx. LSB: 1 Foot
Data Bits: 12 to 28 = 17 + = Above Sea Level (ASL) Sign Bit: 29 Pad Bits: 11
Transmit Interval (mSec): 31.3 to 62.5 Data Type: 2’s Complement Binary SDI Bits: 9, 10
6.2.39 Computed Airspeed (206)
Source: ARINC 706 DADC or IOC
LABEL (Octal) 206 Units: Knots Max. Range: 1,024 Knots Approx. LSB: 0.0625 Knot
Data Bits: 15 to 28 = 14 + = Forward Sign Bit: 29 Pad Bits: 11 to 14
Transmit Interval (mSec): 62.5 to 125(100 if DAU) Data Type: 2’s Complement Binary SDI Bits: 9, 10
6.2.40 True Airspeed (210)
Source: IOC
LABEL (Octal) 210 Units: Knots Max. Range: 2,048 Knots Approx. LSB: 0.0625 Knot
Data Bits: 14 to 28 = 15 + = Forward Sign Bit: 29 Pad Bits: 11 to 13
Transmit Interval (mSec): 62.5 to 125 Data Type: 2’s Complement Binary SDI Bits: 9, 10
6.2.41 Decision Height (370) – IOC Scaling
Source: IOC
LABEL (Octal) 370 Units: Feet
Max. Range: ±8192 FT
See NOTE 1
Approx. LSB: 0.125 Foot
Data Bits: 13 to 28 = 16 + = Above Ground Level (AGL) Sign Bit: 29 Pad Bits: 11,12
Transmit Interval (mSec): 100 to 200 Data Type: 2’s Complement Binary SDI Bits: 9, 10
NOTE 1: Some IOC configurations may only provide positive ranges (0 to 8192 Feet), however the EGPWS supports
both positive and negative ranges (+/- 8192 Feet) for all configurations.
NOTE 2: This label may be provided in a configuration with a single DH input or in conjunction with a selected MDA
input. For those configurations which provide DH and MDA on separate labels, Format 3 applies (Format 1 is
0/0 SDI, Format 2 is Left SDI used and Format 3 is No SDI.)
6.2.42 Normal Acceleration (333)
Source: IOC
LABEL (Octal) 333 Units: g’s Max. Range: +/-4.0 g’s Approx. LSB: 0.000977 g’s
Data Bits: 17 to 28 = 12 + = Up See NOTE Sign Bit: 29 Pad Bits: 11 to 16
Transmit Interval (mSec): 10 to 20 Data Type: 2’s Complement Binary SDI Bits: 9, 10
NOTE: Output reads 0 g’s nominal when aircraft is on the ground, or during unaccelerated flight.