
Message Prompt Explanation
Set source You can now enter the camera selection to be set as the new
source selection of the VCR (or other device) currently on the
monitor. It is not selected directly onto the monitor but to the video
input of the VCR itself.
Access denied Your keyboard does NOT have access to this VCR (or other
device). It cannot make new video source selections for this VCR's
video output channel.
Undefined output The VCR (or other device) does not support camera selection. It
does not have a video output channel defined in the system.
Local source error The selected pseudo camera is not correctly defined in the system.
The actual physical camera cannot be found.
Source nest error The selected pseudo camera is not correctly defined in the system.
It is wrongly defined to use another pseudo camera and not a
physical camera.
Network failed The selected camera is from another networked video system.
That networked system has currently failed so the camera cannot
be selected.
Invalid net source The camera being selected does not exist on the same network
system as the remote-monitor (trunk channel or other network
device) it is being selected to.
Undefined source The selected camera (VCR or other device) does not exist. It is not
defined as a video input on the system.
Using link: #.. This prompt message confirms the actual video trunk line # that
has been used to connect the selected network camera to this
Share link: #.. This prompt message confirms that the selected network camera
was already available on the video trunk line #. This video trunk
line is now shared with this monitor.
Link request KB: .. Another operator requires the video trunk line you are currently
using. Selecting a local camera will release the video trunk line.
Network link busy All video trunk lines are already in use. Your camera selection
cannot be made at this time. The system has already sent a 'link
request' prompt to other operators asking them to hurry up and
release the video trunk lines.
Network link taken The video trunk line used to connect the selected camera to this
monitor has been taken by another operator (of a higher priority).
The monitor has been forced to display a different camera,
releasing the video trunk line.
LIVEUPDATE BEGIN This indicates that the system administrator has made changes to
the system configuration and is updating live to the MAXPRO-Net
Server. The operator should wait till the operation is complete.
Rev. A 8-2 HMXMU001056