
Data Field Descriptions
The features programmed in Field
91 differ between LYNXR models. Ensure you use the correct option
for the model you are installing!
Long Range Radio/Alarm Audio
Verification (AAV) Trigger/Remote Phone
0 = long range radio trigger only
1 = AAV and remote phone control
2 = long range radio trigger and remote phone control
4 = AAV only
Notes: For UL installations Alarm Audio Verification
cannot be used. Alarm Audio Verification will only
function when Contact ID® is selected.
For LYNXR/LYNXR24, this option is used to enable the Long Range
Radio, Alarm Audio Verification and/or Remote Phone Control options.
If Long Range Radio (0) is selected, trigger output (terminal screw #8)
will generate a steady signal for burglary alarm (a single 3 to 4-second
pulse for all types of silent alarms) or a temporal signal for fire alarm.
(Refer to Long Range Radio Installation Instructions for appropriate
wiring.) Alarm Audio Verification requires the installation of the
LYNX-AVM. (Refer to LYNX-AVM Installation Instructions)
Notes: (1) If Long Range Radio is being connected, Alarm Audio
Verification cannot be used.
(2) In order to activate the remote phone control feature and
defeat an answering machine, ensure that the correct ring
detection count (“15”) has been programmed in field
(3) Remote phone session will be terminated if a report must
be sent.
(4) A Long Range Radio cannot be connected f AAV is selected.
(5) Alarm Audio Verification will only function when Contact
ID® is selected and cannot be used for UL installations.
(6) If an alarm will be reported to primary and secondary
phone numbers, AAV can only function via the secondary
(7) If an alarm will be reported to a pager (6-8 in field
49), or
to follow me phone number (10-12 in field
49) AAV
cannot be used.
Alarm Audio Verification (AAV)/Remote
Phone Control
0 = none
1 = AAV and remote phone control
2 = remote phone control only
4 = AAV only
Notes: (1) For UL installations alarm audio verification cannot
be used. Alarm Audio Verification will only function
when Contact ID® is selected.
(2) AAV and Remote Phone Control features can only
be used if the central station or remote phone
supports DTMF commands.
(3) No programming is required if connecting an
ALARMNET 7845C device because the option is
always enabled.
For LYNXR-EN, this option is used to enable the Audio Alarm
Verification and/or the Remote Phone Control features.
Notes: (1) In order to activate the Remote Phone Control feature and
defeat an answering machine, ensure that the correct ring
detection count (“15”) has been programmed in field 95.
(2) Remote phone session will be terminated if a report must
be sent.
(3) Alarm Audio Verification will only function when Contact
ID® is selected. AAV cannot be used for UL installations.
(4) If an alarm will be reported to primary and secondary
phone numbers, AAV can only function via the secondary
(5) If an alarm will be reported to a pager (6-8 in field
49), or
to follow me phone number (10-12 in field
49) AAV
cannot be used.
Number of Reports In Armed Period
0 = reports limited to a total of 10
1 = unlimited number of reports
This option can be used to limit the number of messages (alarm &
alarm restore reports) sent to the central station in an armed period.
UL installations: must be 1 (unlimited reports)
Flexible Callback
0 = no flexible callback
1 = last digit flexible
2 = last 2 digits flexible
3 = last 3 digits flexible
If enabled, the control will ignore the last 1, 2, or 3 digits of the
programmed callback number (field 94) during a single download
session. This allows the download operator to temporarily change the
callback phone number by the number of digits selected, which allows
the control to call back similar, but different numbers during a single
session. For example, if downloading to a large number of controls, the
operator can command the controls to call back phone numbers 555-
1111, 555-1112, 555-1113, etc., thus spreading the communications
among several computers.
Download Call Back Phone Number
Enter up to 20 digits as follows: 0–9, # +11 for “*”, # +
12 for “#”, # + 13 for a pause.
This is the phone number the control will use to call back the
downloading computer.
Do not fill unused spaces. End field by pressing
. To clear entries
from field, press
Ring Detection Count For Downloading/
Remote Phone Control
0 = disable station initiated download and remote
1-14 = number of rings before control picks up phone
15 = defeat answering machine
Enter “15” to select defeat answering machine mode. If an answering
machine is on the premises, you need to dial the premises and hang up
on the first ring. Wait at least five (5) seconds (but no more than 22
seconds) and dial the premises phone number again. The control will
pick up and announce “SYSTEM ENTER CODE” every three seconds.
Note: To enter a number higher than 9 you must first press the [#] key.