– 14 –
Use NO DELAY with STAY mode when you are staying home and do not expect anyone to use the
entrance door.
Use NO DELAY with AWAY mode when the premises will be vacant for extended periods of time such
as vacations, etc.
When armed with NO DELAY, the system will sound an alarm if a protected door or window is opened,
including the entrance door. You may leave through the entrance door during the exit delay period
without causing an alarm, but an alarm will sound as soon as someone reenters.
To arm with NO DELAY:
** See Quick Arming paragraph.
If Quick Arm was programmed by the installer, you do not need to enter the security code to
system. Instead, simply press and hold down the desired arming key for at least 2 seconds. The
security code must always be used to
the system, however.
To arm if Quick Arm is active:
To arm with NO DELAY if Quick Arm is active:
The Babysitter Code and Installer Code cannot disarm the system unless it was used
to arm the system. In addition, if the system is armed by pressing and holding the Quick-Arm buttons,
neither the Babysitter Code nor Installer Code can disarm the system.