– 32 –
Scheduling User Interface
NOTE: The keypad beeps twice for invalid data entries (e.g.: an hour greater than 12), and the entry will
not be accepted. The keypad beeps once for valid entries and four times when a schedule event is
programmed successfully.
[x] = the value that was last stored in the memory.
x n
Schedule number
[x] = schedule number 1 to 8
[*] = continue
[#] = exit schedule programming
Enter the 1-digit schedule number to be programmed, then
press [*] to accept and advance to the next programming field:
Event Identifier.
• Press the [#] key in this entry will exit the schedule
programming mode. The keypad will beep four times and
• Schedule number 7 and 8 are always random events that
are meant to work only with X10 devices.
NOTE: This feature should be implemented when the user is
trying to give the impression that a premises is “lived in”.
The events will occur at random times (0-59 minutes)
within the defined hour.
x id
Event Identifier
[x] = event identifier 0 to 5
[*] = continue
[#] = return to previous prompt
0 = Empty - no event scheduled (or schedule temporarily
disabled. Keypad will beep four times and return to
Schedule Number with the schedule number advanced.
1 = X10 Device - the user is required to enter data up to and
include the Device Number screen. Selection #1 is a time
driven event that requires a begin and end time.
2 = Latch Key Report - the user is required to enter data up
to and include the End Day screen. Selection #2 is a window
driven event that requires a begin/end time.
3 = Automatic Stay Arming - the user is required to enter
data up to and include the Begin Day screen. Selection #3 is
a time driven event that requires a begin time to send a
4 = Reminder Announcements - the user is required to enter
data up to and include the Begin Day screen. This is a
reminder announcement.
5 = Alarm Clock - the user is required to enter the field
values up to and include the Begin Day screen. This is a an
alarm clock.
NOTES: (1) See figure 1 for an explanation of each entry of the
event identifier.
(2) If “Follow me” reminder telephone number is
programmed, the reminder announcement is also
delivered to that number.
xx : Ab
Begin Time (hour)
[xx] = begin hour 00 to 12
[*] = continue
[#] = return to previous prompt
Begin Time (am/pm)
[0] = begin time, am (A)
[1] = begin time, pm (P)
[*] = continue
[#] = return to previous prompt
• The begin hour is a two-digit entry. To enter the hour 3,
press “0” followed by “3”.
• The begin hour “00” indicates this schedule does not have
a begin time.
• Press “0” to select AM or “1” to select PM.
NOTE: When programming schedule number 7 and 8, do not
program turn on/off to occur within the same 1-hour
period. This will prevent this random feature from
causing a reversal of the on/off times.