Quick Search
Click the button on the Tool menu bar to automatically playback the
latest video clip.
Using the playback control icons or the jog/shuttle wheel on the front panel,
you can search recordings and control the speed of the playback by 2x, 4x,
8x, 16x, or 32 times to the forward or backward directions.
Graphic Search
In the search mode, click the colored time bar to search the desired section of
recorded video.
• The white-vertical line indicates the current search time.
• The colors of the time bar are different according to the recording
method selected.
Yellow – Continuous recording.
Green – Motion-detection recording.
Orange – Sensor-activated recording.
Sky Blue – Continuous + Motion detection recording.
Dark orange – Continuous + Sensor-activated recording.
Pink – Motion detection + Sensor-activated recording.
Red – Instant Recording.
Dark Blue – Data recorded during DST (Daylight Saving Time).
Quick Backup in Search Mode
You can easily archive video while watching a video playback.
In the search mode:
1. Press the BACKUP on the front panel to set the Start time. You will see S
[Date/Time of clip] in right bottom of the playback monitor.
2. Continue video playback until you reach the end of the desired clip.
3. Press the BACKUP again to set the end time. The backup menu will open
and you can select the backup media (CD/DVD or USB thumb drive) and
execute the backup.