Rev. 1.01 33 900.0570
6.10.5 IR Lamps
Select ‘IR/LAMP’ in the camera setup menu, then press ‘aux’ to display the IR lamps
menu as shown below:
A U X = S E T L O C K = E N D
I R \ L A M P S O F F
Press ‘aux’ to toggle the IR lamps setting between ‘OFF’ and ‘ON’.
If the system uses IR lamps, set the IR lamp setting to ‘ON’. When the IR lamp setting is
set to ‘ON’, the dome’s camera, will switch to mono in low light conditions without
integrating in colour first.
Once the required IR lamp setting has been set, press ‘lock’ to exit the menu.
6.10.6 Auto 180
Select ‘AUTO180’ in the camera setup menu, then press ‘aux’ to display the auto180
menu as shown below:
A U X = S E T L O C K = E N D
A U T O 1 8 0 O F F
Press ‘aux’ to toggle the auto 180 setting between ‘OFF’ and ‘ON’.
Once the required auto 180 setting has been set, press ‘lock’ to exit the menu.
6.10.7 Mimic Tour
The keyboard can be used to record mimic tours. Tour numbers 5 to 8 are mimic tours.
To record a mimic tour, first press a number key from 5 to 8 (tour 5 to 8), then press and
hold the ‘autopan’ key, then press ‘lock’. The following message will be displayed:
C A M E R A n n n M U X n n
R E C O R D I N G M I M I C n
Whilst the mimic tour is being recorded, ‘RECORDING MIMIC n’ flashes on and off.
Press ‘LOCK’ to stop recording a mimic tour.
To play a mimic tour, press a number key from ‘5’ to ‘8’, then press the ‘autopan’ key.
This menu times out after 3 minutes, if ‘LOCK’ has not already been pressed. (‘DVR nn’
will be displayed in DVR mode.)