Honeywell EC-P2 Instruction and Installation Manual
Push INT button (interval) to cycle through the choices for how often to 5.
log a data point. Stop when the desired interval is displayed. Notice how
much time can be covered with the remaining free memory.
Push and hold the START button until the screen goes blank (two seconds) 6.
to begin a new data logging session. The unit will now display the gas
concentration. The Lg symbol in the left side of the display indicates that
the unit is logging data. If you watch this symbol carefully, you will see it
change to an “s” each time a data point is stored.
To Stop the Data Logging Session
Push the MENU button.7.
Push the LOG button.8.
Push and hold the STOP button until the screen changes to CLEAR / INT 9.
/ START / MODE (two seconds).
Push the DONE button to get back into normal operation mode.10.
Working with the “EC-P2” program:
The “EC-P2” program downloads the logging files from the Honeywell EC-P2. It
does not display the data. The files it downloads can be opened by or imported into
Excel, Lotus 123 or other programs for graphing and analysis.
Turn on the Honeywell EC-P2 and connect it to your PC using the RS-232 cable
supplied. From Windows START menu, select “PROGRAMS,” then “Honeywell EC-
P2,” and then “EC-P2”. As soon as you start the “EC-P2” program, your computer
will try to establish a connection to the Honeywell EC-P2. If the Honeywell EC-P2
is currently logging data, the “EC-P2” program will automatically stop the logging
The program contains two tabs, one marked “Download” and one marked “Configure”.
Review the settings on the “Configure” tab, making changes as necessary.
From the “Download” tab, review the Link Status block in the lower right hand corner.
It should indicate “Link OK”. Link Trouble can be caused by selection of the wrong
Com port in the Configure Tab, improperly connecting the RS-232 cable, or not
turning on the Honeywell EC-P2.
When you are ready to transfer data from the Honeywell EC-P2 to your PC, click on
“get data” and the files will be downloaded to your computer. Note the file names in
the destination window so you can locate the files.
These files can now be opened with Excel (use .csv filename), Lotus 123, or other
user supplied programs.
4.5 Analog Output
The Honeywell EC-P2 has a 0 to 1.0 volt DC analog output capability when used
with the optional analog output cable. With the analog output cable plugged into
the communication port of the EC-P2, the user can measure the voltage between
the two wires and correlate it to gas concentration. The voltage output will be linear
between zero and the full scale range of the SMART-CELL as programmed below.