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Ordering Information
For the complete ordering information, request Model Selection Guide:
51-51-16-32 for UDC3000 Universal Digital Controller or .
Honeywell offers a full Iine of Sensors, Transmitters, and Final Control Devices for use with the UDC3000
Universal Digital Controller. These devices include:
Thermocouples, RTDs
Pressure Transmitters,
Flow Transmitters,
Liquid Level Transmitters.
Valve, Actuators, and Electric Motors.
Specifications are subject to change
without notice.
Distributor :
For more information, contact your nearest Honeywell Response Center listed below.
Industrial Automation and Control
Honeywell Inc.
In the U.S.A.:
Honeywell Industrial Automation and Control, 16404 North Black Canyon HWY., Phoenix, AZ 85023, (800) 343-0228
In Europe:
Honeywell S.A., 80084 Amiens Cedex 2, (33)
Honeywell Control System Ltd., Honeywell House, Bracknell, UK-RG 12 1 EB, (44) 1344 826000
In Japan:
Yamatake-Honeywell Co. Ltd., Nagai Int’l Bldg., 2 - 12 - 19 Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo 150 Japan, 81-3-3486-2051
In Asia:
Honeywell Asia Pacific Inc., Room 3213-3225, Sun Hung kai Centre, No. 30 Harbor Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, (852) 829-8298
In the Mediterranean:
Africa and Middle East Region, Honeywell SpA, Via Vittor Pisani 13, 20124 Milano, Italy (39-2) 67731
Honeywell Pacific Division:
Honeywell Pty Ltd., 5 Thomas Holt Drive, North Ryde Sydney, NSW Australia 2113, (61-2) 353 7000
In Canada:
The Honeywell centre, 155 Gordon Baker Road., Ontario M2H 3N7, 1-800-461-0013
In Latin America:
Honeywell Inc.,14505 Commerce Way, Suite 500, Miami Lakes, Florida 33016-1556, (305) 364-2300