Chapter 1 — About the Computer Features
Thor CV31 Vehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 5
Power Options Menu
If you are using WPA or 802.1x security, the computer may need to
reauthenticate before it resumes your application. The Real Time Clock
(RTC) persists through all of the power options as long as it receives
power from the Real Time Clock battery.
Power Options Menu
Option Description
Screen Off Lowest power saving mode. The screen turns off, but the
radios and internal devices stay on. Tap the screen to turn
on the computer. By default, Screen Off does not appear
on the Power Options menu.
Suspend The computer powers off all radios and internal devices not
involved in saving the system state. You can wake the
computer by pressing the Power button.
Reboot The computer does not save the current system state, but
the registry and file systems are saved. The computer
shuts down all running processes and restarts.
Shutdown The computer turns off.
Cancel Closes the Power Options menu.