NOTES: • All BR type units must physically be activated to clear the display.
• When one button of a transmitter (RF, UR, or BR) is activated, all zones assigned to
other buttons on that transmitter are cleared. This also applies to 5816 and 5817
transmitters, which have multiple loops (zones).
• Any transmitter that is not “enrolled” will not turn off its zone number.
Go/No Go Test Mode
The Go/No Go Test verifies adequate RF signal strength from the proposed transmitter location, and
allow you to reorient or relocate transmitters if necessary, before mounting the transmitters
permanently. This mode is similar to the Transmitter Test mode, except that the wireless receiver
gain is reduced. This will enable you to make sure that the RF signal from each transmitter is
received with sufficient signal amplitude when the system is in the normal operating mode.
1. Enter [Installer code] + [#] + 4.
2. After you have placed transmitters in their desired locations and the approximate length of wire to
be run to sensors is connected to the transmitter's screw terminals (if used), fault each
transmitter. Do not conduct this test with your hand wrapped around the transmitter.
a. The keypad beeps three times to indicate signal reception and displays the unit’s zone number.
b. If the keypad does not beep, you should reorient or move the transmitter to another location.
Usually a few inches in either direction is all that is required.
4. If each transmitter produces the proper keypad response when it is faulted, you can then
permanently mount each of the transmitters according to the instructions provided with them.
5. Exit the Go/No Go Test mode by entering: any user code + OFF.
Dialer Communication Test and Periodic Test Reports
The following steps can be followed to manually test communication to the central station.
1. Enter Installer Code + 5 [
TEST], then press “1” at the prompt to start the Dialer Test.
1=DIAL, 0=WALK (no special display on Fixed-Word Display Keypads)
The following will be displayed (accompanied by 2 beeps) if test is successful:
PHONE OKAY (“Cd” displayed on Fixed-Word Display Keypads)
A Contact ID report will also be sent (code 601)
If the dialer test is unsuccessful, the following is displayed:
COMM FAILURE (“FC” displayed on Fixed-Word Display Keypads)
2. Enter Installer code + OFF to clear the display and exit.
Automatic Periodic Test Report
The system can be set to automatically send test reports (enabled in field *64; Contact ID code 602) at
specified intervals.
Frequency of the reports is set in Scheduling mode (event 11) or by the following key commands:
installer code + [#] + 0 + 0 = test report sent every 24 hours
installer code + [#] + 0 + 1 = test report sent once per week
installer code + [#] + 0 + 2 = test report sent every 28 days
Each mode sets schedule 2 to the selected repeat option; first test report sent 12 hours after command.
To ensure that test reports are sent at the times expected, set the Real-Time Clock to the proper time
before entering the test report schedule command.
Automatic Standby Battery Tests
1. An automatic test is conducted every 3 minutes to ensure that a standby battery is present and
properly connected. If a battery is not present or is not properly connected, a “LOW BATTERY”
message is displayed and, if so programmed, will be reported to the central station.
2. A battery capacity test is automatically conducted for 2 minutes every 4 hours, beginning 4 hours
after exiting the Programming mode or after powering up the system. In addition, entry into the
Test mode will also cause a battery capacity test to be initiated. If the battery cannot sustain a load,
a “Low Battery” message is displayed and, if so programmed, will be reported to the central station.
Installation Instructions