
4 - 14
Time-out between Decodes, Same Symbol
Parameter Default Value: 0.6 Seconds
This option is used in presentation mode to prevent multiple reads of a symbol left in the ring decoder’s field of view. The
timeout begins when the bar code is removed from the field of view. It is programmable in 0.1 second increments from 0.0
to 9.9 seconds.
To select the timeout between decodes for the same symbol, scan the following bar code, then scan two numeric bar codes
from the Imager Keypad Number Symbols (page 4-81) at the end of this chapter that correspond to the desired interval, in
0.1 second increments.
Times less than 1.0 second must have a leading zero.
If you wish to change your number selection, scan Cancel on the “Imager Keypad Number Symbols” page.