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System Reference (cont)
In the following table, enter the names of the individuals assigned to each user
User Assigned To… User Assigned To…
1 33*
2 34*
3 35*
4 36*
5 37*
6 38*
7 39*
8 40*
9 41*
10 42*
11 43*
12 44*
13 45*
14 46*
15 47*
16* 48*
17* 49*
18* 50*
19* 51*
20* 52*
21* 53*
22* 54*
23* 55*
24* 56*
25* 57*
26* 58*
27* 59*
28* 60*
29* 61*
30* 62*
31* 63*
32* 64*
* User Codes 16 through 64 are not used with the OMNI400 or OMNI600.
User Codes 33 through 64 are not used with the OMNI624.
____ ____ USER CODE NOTE: User codes can be either 4 digits or 6 digits, depending on installer
4-digit 6-digit programming. Ask your installer what type of user codes (4 or 6 digits) are being used in
your system. When performing system functions, you must use the appropriate 4- or 6-
digit user codes.