Security (cont'd)
To disarm Multi-Partitions do the following:
1. From the “Home” screen, press the Security
2. Press the Arm Multi-Partition icon.
3. Press the Disarm icon.
4. Enter your 4-digit user code.
5. Highlight the partition(s) to disarm and press
OK, or press ALL to disarm all partitions.
The keypad displays “Multi-Partition Arming”.
How to Check the Status of Other Partitions
This system supports between one and eight Partitions (depending on the system.) Partitioning enables a single physical alarm
system to control up to eight areas of protection (partitions) depending on the system you have purchased. Each Touch-Screen
keypad is assigned a default partition for display purposes, and shows only that partition's information.
Note: A letter “H” following the partition name or number indicates that this is the default partition for the keypad.
For example, if your physical site is a four-apartment housing unit, your alarm system may be configured with four partitions.
Each apartment’s zones (door, windows, smoke detectors, etc.) are assigned to separate partitions, giving each apartment
independent arming/disarming control of its own partition (area). A landlord or manager may be granted access to all partitions,
so he/she can control the entire system.
If a user is so authorized, a keypad or other keypad in one partition can be used to perform system functions in another partition.
(Note that only those partitions authorized and programmed by the installer can be accessed in this manner.)
To check the status of other partitions perform the following:
1. Press the SECURITY icon.
2. Press the "Current Partition" icon (lower
edge of the screen; in this case it displays P1
H unless changed by installer).
This screen displays the available partitions and their current status.
The current partition is shown at the top of the display (P1). To change this
assignment, select the appropriate icon (e.g., press P2 to switch control to
Partition 2).
Note: After leaving this screen when using a residential panel, the selected
partition in the keypad automatically reverts back to the keypad’s home
partition after two minutes. When using commercial panels, you must select
the keypad’s home partition to return to it.
Note: A code may have access to some or all of the available partitions.
3. Enter the code authorized to access other
If the code is accepted, the system displays the
partitions that user has access to.
Fire and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Operation
Your fire alarm system and carbon monoxide detector (if installed) is on 24 hours a day, providing continuous protection. In the
event of an emergency, the installed smoke, heat, carbon monoxide detectors automatically send signals to your
Control/Communicator, triggering a loud interrupted sound from the keypad. An interrupted sound is also produced by optional
Station/Security Company immediately and wait for further instructions.