7 - 14
Remove Programs
Remove Programs enables you to remove programs installed on the terminal. Any program (usually CAB
or DLL files) stored in the \\Honeywell\Autoinstall folder on the storage card re-installs after a software
upgrade or a factory reset. If a program is manually removed using the Remove Programs application,
the program does not re-install on a hard or soft reset.
Note: A program (file) does not automatically install if it is added to the \\Honeywell\Autoinstall folder on the storage
card and a hard or soft reset is performed. For information on program installation, see Installing Additional
Software on page 8-10.
For information about the system resets, see Resetting the Terminal on page 3-16. See Honeywell sup-
port for more information on how to perform a factory reset.
1. Tap Remove Programs. In the list, select the program you want to remove.
2. Tap Remove. The following message appears:
3. Tap Yes. Wait while the program is removed.
4. Verify that the program no longer appears in the list.