Airport Systems
PLC Health Monitoring & Reporting Sys 4-1 Manual EPM40002083-001 Rev -
4.1 Overall Description
The PLCHMR is a product that consists of hardware and software to provide health
monitoring and remote reporting services. PLCHMR is integrated into the
StrobeGuard® System. The PLCHMR uses a single board computer; manufactured by
a respected industrial supplier of single board computers (SBC). The SBC provides
sufficient processor bandwidth and memory support the intended health monitoring and
reporting tasks. The SBC has an industry standard PC/104 bus to provide a common
interface bus for a variety of off-the-shelf daughter boards. Industry standard daughter
boards have been selected to provide the required input/output interfaces consistent
with the demand of customer provided monitoring systems. In addition the SBC
provides a 10/100 Ethernet interface and an RS-485 serial port interface. The PLCHMR
will use its RS-485 serial network connection to receive and process health status data
from the SGC-60. The RS-485 serial network bus will be referred to as the
StrobeGuard Control and Status Network (SCSN). SCSN will be used to send
commands and collect status data from each SGF-60 Flash Head connected to the RS-
485 network. The PLCHMR is collocated within the SGC-60 Master Controller
The PLCHMR reports each flash heads’ health status via discrete outputs. Each flash
heads’ discretely reported status data will be a Flash/Fail report. PLCHMR System
uses a uniquely configured relay output daughter board. This daughter board drives
logic inputs provide by the customer at the remote facility. The relay output daughter
board will provides 8 Form C relays to report the system’s status. Screw terminals on
the relay output board will enable setting the relay’s output voltage. The normally
closed relay contact will be used to report the fail condition.
The PLCHMR provides an interactive character based menu -oriented Maintenance
Mode Service (MMS). The MMS is accessed via the SBC’s Serial RS232 interface.
The MMS is an interactive character-oriented communications session. A PC based
client terminal service initiates a MMS session by logging onto the system as the “maint”
user. The MMS validates the “maint” user via a password; it proceeds to establish a
session with the client terminal service by initially presenting the Maintenance Mode
menu. Power Supply
The PLCHMR receive 16VDC power from the Master Controllers TB8 terminal
connector. The 16VDC power is fed to a single output DC/DC Converter which
produces 5VDC for the SBC. Communications
The PLCHMR monitors commands from the Master Controller and Flash Head status
reports via the RS485 serial link.