
Fault and Tamper Conditions
When a fault or tamper condition occurs in the unset state, an alert condition is activated.
This consists of an intermittent beep at the keypad and/or a visual alert on the keypad. A user
should enter their code at the keypad and press ent. The condition causing the fault or
tamper will be shown. Use the A>and <B keys to scroll through multiple faults.
When a fault or tamper condition occurs in the set state, the condition will be displayed on
the keypad when a user unsets the system.
Resetting Fault and Tamper Conditions
When an alarm, fault or tamper condition is generated on the system, a reset must be carried
out before normal system operation can resume. Fault and tamper conditions can be reset
1. The cause has cleared.
2. An authorised PIN or anti-code has been entered
3. The conditions have been viewed, by a user, on the keypad display after steps 1 and
2 above.
If a user does not have sufficient authority to reset the condition, a temporary banner is
displayed to indicate that a manager or engineer is required to reset the condition.
On a system installed to meet EN50131 Grade 3, most fault and tamper conditions will require
an engineer level PIN to reset. Alternatively, an Anti code given by the alarm monitoring
centre may be used reset the system, depending in the cause and the configuration of the
Overriding Fault and Tamper Conditions when
If it has not been possible to reset the system due to and outstanding fault or tamper condi-
tion, it may be possible to override the condition and set the system anyway. This depends
on the authority of the user and the type of outstanding condition.
Any outstanding conditions will be displayed whenever setting is attempted and the setting
procedure will be halted. However, if the condition can be overridden by the user, the mes-
sage ent=CONTINUE SET will be displayed. Pressing ent at this point will override the
condition for one set period only, and log the override action against that user. The condition
will return when the system is next unset.