Note: User Code 13 may be assigned as a Duress Code. Entry of this code causes a Duress
alarm which will activate the PA outputs and trigger the Remote signalling Device (if
fitted); the Horn, Bells and Strobe outputs do not activate. The installation engineer will
advise you on the operation of this function where applicable.
Assigning User Attributes
Table 3: User Code Attributes.
When the Codes option is selected User 01 is displayed. Press the ent key to select this user
or the A or B key to view the other users. To modify the attributes of the selected user press
the # key.
The Set Access attribute is displayed along with its status. Press the # key to toggle the
enable status of the attribute. An attribute is enabled when the square next to the attribute
number is black and Enable appears on the bottom line of the display.
When the required attributes have been assigned to the user, press the ent key to save the
selection or esc to cancel the programming. The display returns to the selected user number.
Press the A or B key to view and select other users.
To exit from the codes option press the esc key.
Keyswitch Zones and User Codes
Keyswitches are assigned the attributes of User Code 1, 2 or 3. A Keyswitch zone assigned to
one of these codes can Set and Unset the parts assigned to the code and reset authorised
alarms. The user code assigned to the Keyswitch must be assigned Set Access to allow the
Keyswitch to set the allocated parts The Keyswitch assumes the assigned attributes even if
the code has not been allocated a PIN.
The installation engineer will advise you of the use of keyswitch zones where necessary.
10sseccAteS .yekAehtgnisumetsysehtteSotresuehtselbanE
20sseccAtesnU .yektneehtgnisumetsysehttesnUotresuehtselbanE
70sedocyfidoM .setubirttadnasedoCresUmargorpotresuselbanE