10 - 3
This response indicates that the device’s Codabar Coding Enable (CBRENA) is set to 1, or on;
the Start/Stop Character (SSX) is set to 0, or Don’t Transmit;
the Check Character (CK2) is set to 0, or Not Required;
concatenation (CCT) is set to 1, or Enabled;
the Minimum Message Length (MIN) is set to 2 characters;
the Maximum Message Length (MAX) is set to 60 characters;
and the Default setting (DFT) has no value.
Trigger Commands
You can activate and deactivate the scanner with serial trigger commands. First, the scanner must be put in Manual Trigger
Mode by scanning a Manual Trigger Mode bar code (page 4-5), or by sending a serial menu command for triggering (page 4-5).
Once the scanner is in serial trigger mode, the trigger is activated and deactivated by sending the following commands:
Activate: SYN T CR
Deactivate: SYN U CR
The scanner scans until a bar code has been read, until the deactivate command is sent, or until the serial time-out has been
reached (see "Read Time-Out" on page 4-7 for a description, and the serial command on page 10-11).
Resetting the Custom Defaults
If you want the custom default settings restored to your scanner, scan the Activate Custom Defaults bar code below. This
resets the scanner to the custom default settings. If there are no custom defaults, it will reset the scanner to the factory default
settings. Any settings that have not been specified through the custom defaults will be defaulted to the factory default settings.
Note: If using a cordless system, scanning this bar code also causes both the scanner and the base or Access Point to perform
a reset and become unlinked. The scanner must be placed in its base to re-establish the link. If using an Access Point,
the linking bar code must be scanned. See Cordless System Operation beginning on page 3-1 for additional information.
The charts on the following pages list the factory default settings for each of the commands (indicated by an asterisk (*) on the
programming pages).
Menu Commands
* Indicates default
Serial Command
# Indicates a numeric entry
Product Default Settings
Setting Custom Defaults Set Custom Defaults MNUCDP 1-7
Save Custom Defaults MNUCDS 1-7
Resetting the Custom Defaults Activate Custom Defaults DEFALT 1-7
Programming the Interface
Plug and Play Codes Keyboard Wedge:
IBM PC AT and Compatibles with CR suffix
PAP_ AT 2-1
Laptop Direct Connect with CR suffix PAPLTD 2-1
RS232 Serial Port PAP232 2-1
Plug and Play Codes:
IBM Port 5B Interface PAPP5B 2-2
IBM Port 9B HHBCR-1 Interface PAP9B1 2-2
IBM Port 17 Interface PAPP17 2-2