9 - 4
Trigger Commands
You can activate and deactivate the scanner with serial trigger commands.
First, the scanner must be put in Manual/Serial Trigger Mode either by scanning
the Manual/Serial Trigger Mode bar code (page 3-5), or by sending the Manual/
Serial Menu Command (page 9-13). Once the scanner is in serial trigger mode,
the trigger is activated and deactivated by sending the following commands:
Activate:SYN T CR
Deactivate:SYN U CR
The scanner scans until a bar code has been read, until the deactivate com-
mand is sent, or until the serial time-out has been reached (see Read Time-
Out on page 3-5 for a description, and the serial command on page 9-13).
Resetting the Standard Product Defaults
If you aren’t sure what programming options are in your scanner, or you’ve
changed some options and want the factory settings restored, scan the Stan-
dard Product Default Settings bar code below.
The chart on the following pages lists the factory default settings for each of the
menu commands (indicated by an asterisk (*) on the programming pages).
Standard Product Default Settings