4 - 17
Require Output Sequence
When an output sequence is Required, all output data must conform to an edited sequence or the scanner will not transmit
the output data to the host device. When it’s On/Not Required, the scanner will attempt to get the output data to conform
to an edited sequence but, if it cannot, the scanner transmits all output data to the host device as is.
When the output sequence is Off, the bar code data is output to the host as the scanner decodes it. Default = Off.
No Read
With No Read turned On, the scanner notifies you if a code cannot be read. If using an EZConfig-Scanning Tool Scan Data
Window (see page 9-1), an “NR” appears when a code cannot be read. If No Read is turned Off, the “NR” will not appear.
Default = Off.
If you want a different notation than “NR,” for example, “Error,” or “Bad Code,” you can edit the output message (see Data
Formatting beginning on page 6-1). The hex code for the No Read symbol is 9C.
* Discard Partial Sequence