Since it is predictable that you will eventually capsize your Hobie Ca~ and because it can be assured that you will
not have this manual for reference at the time (it will float away), please familiarize yourself thoroughly with what
Always carry a 15 to 20 foot long righting line aboard your Hobie <!> 16. One half inch diameter poly rope is recom-
mended, and should be available from your Hobie dealer. The mainsheet can be used to right the boat in a pinch,
but this adds unnecessary complication to the procedure as the sheet must first be removed from the mainsheet
block system. Stow the line aboard in such a manner as to allow immediate access whether the boat is on its side
or completely inverted (turtled). One popular method is to tie each end around the forward pylons, then wrap the
excess loop around the dolphin striker.
It takes two people to right the Hobie
16. First, hang onto the boat as it cap-
sizes. It doesn't normally turn over
very fast, so holding on shouldn't be
difficult. Avoid jumping or falling into
the sail.
Second, uncleat the jibsheet, the
mainsheet, and the mainsheet traveler
so you won't be: attempting to lift a
sail full of water.
Next, tie the righting line around the FIGURE 55
shroud adjuster at its anchor point
(chain plate) on the upper hull. If the
boat is turtled, this will be the wind-
ward hull. Route the line over that hull
and down (or over) to the opposite one. .~
Refer to the photos. Stand in the
center of the lower, or leeward hull
and hold onto the righting line, leaning
back about 45 degrees or so.
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