8.1 CANopen Specifications of SJ200-2/L200-2 Series CANopen Option
The table below describes CANopen specifications of “CANopen interface option”.
Item Specifications
Communication Profile DS-301 V4.01
Device Profile DS-402 V2.0
Synchronization Object (SYNC) Yes
Time Stamp Object (TIME) No
Emergency Object (EMCY) Yes
Network Management Object Yes
Number of PDO’s 4Rx / 4Tx
PDO Modes Sync(cyclic) / Sync(acyclic)
PDO Linking No
PDO Mapping Variable
Number of SDO’s 1 Server / 0 Client
Emergency Message Yes
Pre-Defined Connection Set No
/125kbps/250kbps/500kbpsSupported baud rates
Module Status LED(MOD)
Supported LED
CANopen Status LED(CAN)
Network Connector Open Connector
Supported Node ID/Default 1~127/0
Baud rates/Node ID setting Dip Switches
8.2 Dimension