Rev. 1.0, 07/01, page 250 of 372
15.5 Interrupt Request
There are six interrupt requests in this module; transmit data empty, transmit end, receive data full,
NACK receive, STOP recognition, and arbitration lost/overrun. Table 15-3 shows the contents of
each interrupt request.
Table 15-3 Interrupt Requests
Interrupt Request Abbreviation Interrupt Condition I
C Mode
Transmit Data Empty TXI (TDRE=1)
Transmit End TEI (TEND=1)
Receive Data Full RXI (RDRF=1)
STOP Recognition STPI (STOP=1)
NACK Receive
NAKI {(NACKF=1)+(AL=1)}
When interrupt conditions described in table 15-3 are 1 and the I bit in CCR is 0, the CPU
executes an interrupt exception processing. Interrupt sources should be cleared in the exception
processing. TDRE and TEND are automatically cleared to 0 by writing the transmit data to
ICDRT. RDRF are automatically cleared to 0 by reading ICDRR. TDRE is set to 1 again at the
same time when transmit data is written to ICDRT. When TDRE is cleared to 0, then an excessive
data of one byte may be transmitted.