
Installing Permanently48
Examples of room controller commands
In the following examples, “<CR>” and “<LF>” represent a carriage return and line feed,
Commands are sent to the projector as “requests” which consist of an asterisk (*) prefix, the
command name, any needed parameter, and a carriage return <CR> as a terminator:
* command = parameter <CR>
Requests can contain only ASCII alphanumeric characters. Blanks (spaces) are allowed, except
within keywords and numbers. Line feeds <LF> are ignored.
The following table shows the specific syntax to use for various requested tasks.
In general, every request sent to the projector generates one or more notification messages,
which are sent to the room controller. Actions initiated by the projector can also generate
The projector always sends notifications whenever a setting changes, whether as the result of a
request from a controller, or as the result of an action, such as a button press or menu change.
Some requested setting changes take time to perform, or are carried out in stages. Because of
this, requests might produce delayed notifications.
To perform this task... Use this request syntax...
Change a setting to a specified value *command=value<CR>
Ask the current setting *command=?<CR>
Increment a setting *command=+<CR>
Decrement a setting *command=–<CR>
Invoke an action (no parameter needed) *command<CR>