Installation and Configuration
42 SSL1016 Tape Autoloader Reference Guide
To configure the autoloader, you must set the following:
■ Ethernet IP address (if you are not using DHCP)
■ SNMP server IP address (for SNMP alerts)
■ Time server IP address (or the timezone, date, and time, if configuring
Note: The DLT1 and SDLT autoloaders do not have a battery so if time is manually set,
it is lost and needs to be reset whenever the autoloader is power cycled.
■ Control mode
■ Security option
Each SCSI device attached to a server or workstation must have a unique SCSI ID.
For the DLT1 and SDLT autoloaders you need to set only one SCSI ID for the
autoloader; you do not need to set up separate SCSI IDs for the tape drive and
autoloader. Because the autoloader uses LUNs to address the drive and robotics,
only the autoloader requires a SCSI ID.
For the Ultrium 460 autoloader you must set two SCSI IDs; one for the autoloader
and one for the tape drive. The default SCSI ID for the autoloader is 4. The default
SCSI ID for the tape drive is 5.
Check the IDs on all other SCSI devices that are on the SCSI bus, including the
SCSI host adapter, and select an unused SCSI ID for the autoloader. The default
ID for the autoloader is 5, but you can select any unused number between and
including 0 and 15. If the factory default SCSI ID (5) is not already being used by
another device on the SCSI bus, you do not need to change the autoloader SCSI
ID from 5 if you do not want to.
Note: Disregard the SCSI ID switch on the back of the DCA. The autoloader does not
use the switch to set the SCSI ID.