Software for the HP LaserJet 4V Printer
The HP LaserJet 4V printer comes with Windows and DOS software drivers
that you need to use your printer with Hewlett-Packard’s PCL printer
language. Drivers are program files that allow your software to use the
printer’s features, including the internal typefaces.
Installing a driver is an important part of setting up your printer. Follow
the instructions in the Getting Started Guide to install the software for your
Software for Windows 3.1
Your printer comes with the HP LaserJet 4V/4MV Printing System for
Microsoft Windows 3.1 software, which includes the following:
• Windows PCL printer driver
• TrueType screen fonts
Windows PCL Printer Driver
The printer driver enables your Windows applications to communicate with
your printer and use all of your printer’s features. Once you load the
Windows driver, you can change printer settings or access features using
the Print dialog box in any Windows application by choosing Print Setup, or
from the Windows Control Panel group.
TrueType Screen Fonts
Screen fonts allow you to see on your computer screen what your printed
page will look like. This approximation of screen display to printed result is
known as WYSIWYG, short for “what you see is what you get.” The
TrueType fonts match the printer’s internal typefaces. These fonts are
automatically loaded and configured when you install the HP LaserJet
4V/4MV Printing System for Windows 3.1.
2-2 Software For Your Printer