
NAS Service Release 2 Quick Start Guide 11
Additional support and functionality
Support for Secure Path 4.0C-7
The NAS 4000s and 9000s support the latest version of
SecurePath, 4.0C-7, which supports connectivity to XP storage
XP uses emulation types in the creation of LUNS. Secure Path
4.0C-7 allows these emulation types to be visible to a host. In
addition, custom volume sizes (CVS’s) become visible. A CVS
allows creation of a 500MB LUN on an XP.
S4U2 functionality
Windows Server 2003 Active Directory now has support for the
S4U2Proxy extension to the Kerberos protocol. This extension
allows services in the domain to act on behalf of a user.
Therefore, you do not have to install the Server for NFS
Authentication dll on domain controllers on a Windows Server
2003 domain for Server for NFS to authenticate domain users.
For more information on the S4U2Proxy, consult the S4U2Self
topic in the following URL:
http://msdn.mi cros oft .com/msdnmag/issues/03/04/SecurityBrie f s/
def ault.aspx
Note: The S4U2 functionality does not work until the domain
functional level is elevated to Windows Server 2003.
To elevate the functional level to Windows Server 2003:
1. On the Windows 2003 domain controller, open Active
Directory Domains and Trusts.
2. In the console tree, right-click the domain for which you want
to raise functionality, and then click Raise Domain
Functional Level.
3. In Select an available domain functional level, click
Windows Server 2003.
4. Click Raise.