52 5 - Configuring and managing the printer ENWW
Administer the printer
This section contains information about administering the printer and modify printer settings.
Note For information about opening and using specific management tools, see Overview of printer
management tools.
Use this tool... ...to do the following.
Embedded Web server z Modify the administrator password:
Click the Settings tab, and click Security in the left pane.
z Change job accounting settings:
Click the Settings tab, click Job Accounting in the left pane,
and then click the Options tab.
z Change tray and media-handling settings:
Click the Settings tab, and then click Paper Handling in the
left pane.
z Perform printer maintenance tasks:
Click the Settings tab, and then click Diagnostic in the left pane.
Toolbox (Windows)
z Configure job-accounting options:
Click the Information tab, click Job Accounting, and then click
the Track tab.
Note: Job accounting features are only available in the Toolbox if
the printer is connected to a network.
z Perform printer maintenance tasks:
Click the Printer Services tab.
HP Inkjet Toolbox (Mac OS) Perform printer maintenance tasks:
Select the panel for the task you want to perform.
HP Web Jetadmin software To learn about using the HP Web Jetadmin software to administer the
printer and modify printer settings, open the HP Web Jetadmin
software and see the software documentation for information.
See HP Web Jetadmin software.
myPrintMileage To learn about using myPrintMileage to administer the printer and
modify printer settings, go to the myPrintMileage website and follow
the onscreen instructions. See myPrintMileage.