•(Optional) BtPrint
Pro. Find BtPrint Pro on the Starter CD that came with
the printer, or visit the IS/Complete website at www.iscomplete.com
Also visit www.btprint.com
•(Optional) Documents To Go
. Find Documents To Go on the CD that
came with your Palm OS PDA, or visit the DataViz
website at
printing instructions
Follow these instructions when using a Palm OS PDA:
1. install a Bluetooth SDI/O expansion card
2. print a document
• Print unformatted documents in the Date Book, Address, To Do List,
and Memo Pad options using the send file
• Print formatted documents in the Date Book, Address, To Do List,
Memo Pad, and Mail options using the (optional) BtPrint Pro
• View and edit formatted Microsoft
Word and Excel documents using
(optional) Documents To Go
. Print the documents using DocToPrint,
which is included with BtPrint Pro.
If your Palm OS PDA is not Bluetooth-enabled, or if you do not
have a Bluetooth card, you can print using infrared (IR).
BtPrint Pro will install infrared printing for Palm OS 3.0, and
Bluetooth and infrared printing for OS 4.0 or later.