
•(Optional) BtPrint
Pro. Find BtPrint Pro on the Starter CD that came with
the printer, or visit the IS/Complete website at www.iscomplete.com
Also visit www.btprint.com
•(Optional) Documents To Go
. Find Documents To Go on the CD that
came with your Palm OS PDA, or visit the DataViz
website at
printing instructions
Follow these instructions when using a Palm OS PDA:
1. install a Bluetooth SDI/O expansion card
2. print a document
Print unformatted documents in the Date Book, Address, To Do List,
and Memo Pad options using the send file
Print formatted documents in the Date Book, Address, To Do List,
Memo Pad, and Mail options using the (optional) BtPrint Pro
View and edit formatted Microsoft
Word and Excel documents using
(optional) Documents To Go
. Print the documents using DocToPrint,
which is included with BtPrint Pro.
If your Palm OS PDA is not Bluetooth-enabled, or if you do not
have a Bluetooth card, you can print using infrared (IR).
BtPrint Pro will install infrared printing for Palm OS 3.0, and
Bluetooth and infrared printing for OS 4.0 or later.