Chapter 6 - Parameter Description [FU2]
This parameter affects the audible sound of the motor,
noise emission from the inverter, inverter termperature,
and leakage current. If the ambient temperature where the
inverter is installed is high or other equipment may be
affected by potential inverter noise, set this value lower. If
set above 10kHz, use it by reducing 5%[1kHz] of the rated
current. Setting Carrier freqeuncy set below 2.5[kHz] when
the FU2-39 [Control mode selection] is set to Vector_SPD,
Vector_TRQ could weaken the control performance.
FU2-39: Control mode selection
Selects the control mode of the inverter
FU2-40 setting LCD Display Description
0 V/F V/F Control
1 Slip compen Slip compensation
2 Sensorless_S
Sensorless vector
control speed operation
3 Sensorless_T
Sensorless vector
control torque operation
4 Vector_SPD
Vector control speed
5 Vector_TRQ
Vector control torque
Note) Setting Vector_SPD, Vector_TRQ is only valid when
the inverter is equipped with SUB-B board and EXT-12[F
mode] is set to Feed-back. Vector control comprises of
Vector_SPD, Vector_TRQ with secsorless vector
Sensorless_S and Sensorless_T.
V/F control:
This parameter controls the voltage/frequency ratio
constant. It is recommended to use the torque boost
function when a greater starting torque is required.
Related function : FU1-26~28 [Torque boost]
Slip compensation :
This function is used to maintain constant motor speed. To
keep the motor speed constant, the output frequency
varies within the limit of slip frequency set in FU2-32
according to the load current. For example, when the
motor speed decreases below the reference speed
(frequency) due to a heavy load, the inverter increases the
output frequency higher than the reference frequency to
increase the motor speed. The inverter increases or
decreases the output by delta frequency shown below.
Delta freq = Rated slip * (Output current - Motor No
load current) / rated current - Motor No load current)
Output freq = Reference freq + Delta freq
☞ : Motor parameters must be set correctly for better
performance of control.
FU2-32~36 [Motor related parameters] is automatically
determined by FU2-30 [Rated Motor selection]. Most
suitable motor capacity corresponding inverter capacity is
set as factory setting, but the following setting value can be
adjusted if necessary.
Related parameter :FU2-30~37 [Motor related parameters]
Code LCD Display Description
FU2-30 Motor select Select motor capacity
FU2-32 Rated-Slip Motor rated slip (Hz)
FU2-33 Rated-Curr Motor rated current (rms)
FU2-34 Noload-Curr Motor no load current (rms)
FU2-36 Efficiency Motor efficiency (%)
FU2-37 Inertia rate Motor inertia rate
Sensorless_S (Sensorless vector speed control)
operation :
Use it when 1) high starting torque needed at low speed 2)
load fluctuation is high 3) rapid response needed.
If not using CMC 220V/440V Class motor: Set Yes in FU2-
40 [Auto tuning] first.
Vector_SPD (Vector control speed) operaation : only valid
when Sub-B board is mounted (Speed-detecting Encoder
installed to the motor).
Control mode
39 V/F
0 39
Factory Default: V/F 0
Related parameters : FU2-30~37 [Motor related parameters]
FU2-41~44 [Motor constant]
FU2-45~46 [P/I gain for Sensorless]
EXT-25~26 [P/I gain for Vector_SPD],
EXT-27~28 [Torque limit for