116 Chapter 5 Service and support ENWW
Ordering parts, accessories, and supplies
This section provides information regarding ordering parts, supplies, and documentation. Use
only parts and accessories specifically designed for this printer.
The section “Part numbers” on page 118 is organized according to these types of accessories:
“Paper handling” on page 118
“Memory” on page 118
“Cables and interfaces” on page 119
“Documentation” on page 119
“Printing supplies” on page 120
Ordering directly from HP
You can obtain the following directly from HP:
Replacement parts
To order replacement parts in the U.S. see http://www.hp.com/hps/parts
. Outside the United States, order parts by contacting your local
authorized HP service center.
Supplies and accessories
To order supplies in the U.S., see http://www.hp.com/go/ljsupplies
. To order supplies
worldwide, see http://www.hp.com/ghp/buyonline.html
. To order accessories, see
See the websites listed under “Documentation” on page 119 for documentation that is
available online.
Ordering through service or support providers
To order a part or accessory, contact an HP-authorized service or support provider. (See
“Contacting HP” on page 123.)
Ordering directly through the embedded Web server (for
printers with network connection)
Use the following steps to order printing supplies directly through the embedded Web server.
(See “Opening the embedded Web server” on page 62 for an explanation of this feature.)
To order directly through the embedded Web server
1 In the Web browser on the computer, type the IP address for the printer. The printer status
window appears.
2 Select the Setting tab at the top of the window.
3 If asked to provide a password, type the password.
4 On the left side of the Device Configuration window, double-click Order Supplies. This
provides a URL from which to purchase consumables. Supplies information with part
numbers and printer information is provided.
5 Select the part numbers that you want to order and follow the instructions on the screen.