About This Manual
Read this manual to unpack, set up, and use the ColorSpan
DisplayMaker Esprit digital color printers.
◆ Chapter 1
shows you how to unpack and assemble the
printer, and introduces you to its main features.
◆ Chapter 2
shows you how to use the control panel.
◆ Chapter 3
shows you how to install ink and media.
◆ Chapter 4
shows you how to calibrate the printer.
◆ Appendix A
shows you how to troubleshoot common
printing problems.
◆ Appendix B
lists the printer’s technical specifications.
For further information, refer to the following ColorSpan
◆ Quick Start Guide
to set up and install a brand
new ColorSpan print server or software RIP, and connect
and configure printers to it.
◆ DisplayMaker Esprit Site Preparation Guide
- explains how to
prepare your site for the printer’s arrival and installation.
◆ DisplayMaker Esprit Installation and User Guide -
a multimedia
“how-to” guide available on CD-ROM and videocassette.
ColorSpan Print Server Documentation - the
System Control
User Guide, Printing Tools User Guides
, and
Print Server & Driver
Setup Guide
show you how to print and RIP files through the
ColorSpan print server. If the printer is connected to a non-
ColorSpan print server (RIP), refer to the documentation
that accompanies the server.
◆ Release Notes
Update Notes -
late-breaking information,
update descriptions, and update instructions.
Further information about all ColorSpan products is also avail-
able over the Internet at the ColorSpan World Wide Web site at