New large grab
handle which
makes pole
easy to carry.
Tripod has
extruded, 1/3
round legs
that neatly fold
closed for a
Halogen infared bulb technology produces 30-40% more light per watt than comparable standard
halogen bulbs.
Greater light output, at any angle, than many other 1500-watt and even 2000-watt low-profile or full-
sized fixtures.
Patented electro-polished mirror finish reflector produces more intense light.
Reflector projects a smooth, even light, no hot spots, across a greater area than any other halogen
light fixture on the market.
The 70 watt, 12 Volt H.I.D. version comes to full intensity in just 30 seconds and draws only 6 amps
@ 12VDC, thereby eliminating the need for costly generators or inverters.
Better bulb and reflector technology produces more light with a lower watt bulb, allowing you to add
more lights to your apparatus without increasing the total electrical load.
The one-piece lens assembly and front relamping ability make bulb changes easier than ever. Unlike
extruded fixtures, it has a field replaceable modular reflector. Therefore, you can repair it without
having to purchase a whole new light.
The 12 volt H.I.D.’s internal electronics minimize space, time consuming remote wiring, and service
The Magnafire 3000
’s integral cooling fins are designed to allow for easy cleaning. This design helps
prevent dirt and salt buildup which can lead to harmful corrosion and heat damage.
All Magnafire 3000
flood light housings, switch boxes, swivel knuckles,
and lens frames are made from die cast aluminum. This ensures repeat
quality and product uniformity for precise fit and assembly.
The “O” ring seal between the switchbox and knuckle guarantees no
leaks inside the pole.
All 12 Volt H.I.D. electronics are epoxy encapsulated for protection
against humidity, moisture build-up, and vibration.
Bright-dip finish on all poles maximizes the product life and appearance.
M ag n af i r e 3 00 0
S ce n e L i gh t in g
Portable Scene Lighting
Magnafire is Perfect for:
• Fire Apparatus
• Patrol Vehicles
• Emergency and Disaster
• SWAT and Tactical Response
• DUI Enforcement & Check
• Search & Rescue
• Utility and Public Works
• Military Operations
Get More Light with Less Watts!
Light up the whole scene with
just a 12 volt battery - no
generator or inverter needed!
Lasts up to 10,000 hours
Superior design, durability,
reliability, and workmanship
Lifetime warranty on all
brackets and clamps
New Tripod Design
Magnafire 3000
used in an accident investigation
Reaches full intensity in only
30 seconds
New short tripod
fits inside the
trunk or side
compartment of
many vehicles
to provide a very
quick solution
for those
New HID technology
is 4x more efficient
Magnafire 3000
Telescoping Pole
Photo courtesy of LDV, Inc., Burlington WI
Magnafire 3000
Potted Electronics